• 201507.18

    Switching to Jekyll

    I’ve decided to get rid of Wordpress that was on blog.killtheradio.net as well as the PHP site at killtheradio.net and combine both into a Jekyll blog on the http://killtheradio.net/ domain.

    Moving to Jekyll from Wordpress took a few days, but I got all my posts moved, edited to fix formatting errors, and switching all discussions to use Disqus (and of course imported the old comments).

    This site now works on mobile devices as well.

    There are a few reasons for all this, but mainly I’ve been intrigued by the idea of static site generators for a while now and wanted to try it out. Also, as time went on, I grew to desipise Wordpress, including all the idiotic security vulnerabilities I suffered through week after week. It’s a slapped-together platform, and the plugins for it are even worse.

    There’s a certain thrill to authoring and publishing new content using only the command line.

  • 201001.02

    beeets 2.0 launch

    Hey, this will be short. Me and my brother just launched our event site, beeets.com, in the Santa Cruz area. Check it out, post events, give feedback. We've been slaving away and we're really excited about it. Thanks!

  • 200903.09

    beeets live!!

    beeets.com has been launched into open beta!! I know you've all been waiting for this, so lucky you. Users can find events based on their interests.

    Some planned features include integration with social networks (a must these days) AND a super SECRET feature that has yet to be announced but will spring us to #1 in a matter of hours. It has yet to be unleashed though.

    Anyway, check it out. Jeff and I put a ton of work into getting this ready for John Q Public, and you must swear on the eyes of your children that you will sign up for an account and post events and tell everyone you know RIGHT NOW. Thx lol.

  • 200901.05

    Lyon Bros. Enterprises, LLC ...yeahhh baby

    Lyon Bros. Enterprises, LLC is my brother's and mine business. We started it back in December in an attempt to head up our product-line officially. So far everything is going great. It's a web development company and our main focus is product development, though you wouldn't know it by looking at the number of client projects we've gotten in the past few weeks.

    Seems like once we went official, all this great stuff started happening. We're going to be doing some big projects. Jeffrey is going to be in school full time and can't devote much time, so that leaves me. I'll be doing lots of work and making lots of money. Sounds good to me.

    In all the glory, we forgot about our baby, beeets, which is still closed beta and waiting for love. We're planning on opening the doors and doing a marketing boom hopefully sometime this week. Exciting stuff.
